Otford Twinning
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Otford and Neufchatel-Hardelot Twinning Constitution


(i)To initiate and co-ordinate twinning activities between the residents of Otford Village, their friends and Otford Village societies and those of Neufchatel-Hardelot.It is intended that the detailed arrangements for activities between societies shall be organised by the individual societies themselves reporting to the Committee.

(ii)To develop a closer relationship between Otford and Neufchatel-Hardelot (and other European towns as maybe).


Members of the Association shall normally be adult residents of Otford.Communication to members may be through the Parish Council Newsletter, the Parish Church and Village News Magazine and other appropriate means.


(iii)There shall be an Association Committee comprising not fewer than five members of the Association which shall meet as necessary to plan and implement an annual programme of exchange events.There may be as many committee members as the committee shall decide from time to time.

(iv)There shall be an annual general meeting (AGM) of the Association for all of its members to be held normally in the Spring, and such other general meetings as may be necessary.The purpose of the AGM shall be to elect the Committee and approve the activity plans for the forthcoming year, and to receive the accounts and an activities report for the previous year.

(v)The activity year shall be the calendar year.

(vi)The Committee shall recommend to the AGM the annual subscription (if any).


(vii)The Officers shall be elected by the Committee from within itself and shall serve for one year at a time but shall be eligible for re-election.

(viii)They shall comprise: the Chairman (who shall chair all general and committee meetings, oversee the business of the Association, and liaise with the Parish Council and local societies), the Honorary Secretary (who shall call and minute meetings and make all such administration arrangements as the Committee may require), and the Honorary Treasurer (who shall collect all the income, pay the expenditure, and keep the records of both, and prepare the annual accounts).


(ix)Expenditure shall be wholly attributable to the purposes and shall be as reasonable as possible.

(x)If the Association be wound up, any residual funds shall be paid to the Parish Council for beneficial purposes within the Village.

(xi)Alterations to this constitution shall be made at an AGM or other general meeting.