Otford Methodist Church (OMC)
Otford Methodist Church

Otford Methodist Church (OMC)

on the High Street near the library

We have a variety of services each Sunday - see website for more details:

9:00am Morning Service in the Church
A Traditional Service held once a month.

10:30am Morning Worship in the Hall
A contemporary service for all ages, with Youth Group (12-18), Junior Church (up to age 11) and a crèche. You are welcome to stay for coffee after the service.

6:30pm Evening Worship in the Church
A variety of formats including a Cafe Evening in the Hall on the first Sunday of the month. You are welcome to stay for coffee.

Contact: Church Office - 01959 523090
Email office@otfordmethodistchurch.org.uk
The office is usually open on weekdays between 10:00am and 12:00pm. Please telephone before visiting.

Minister: Rev John Ritson - 01959 928752
Email johnritson@otfordmethodistchurch.org.uk

Hall Bookings: Daphne Paterson- 07717-471909
Email bookings@otfordmethodistchurch.org.uk

Web: www.otfordmethodistchurch.org.uk

Otford Methodist Church is a member of Churches Together in Sevenoaks and District (www.ctsd.org.uk)